Chapter Five – If 2022 Has Taught Me Anything, It’s This

His eyes were strong.

They pointed to the sky in a way that convinced me his thoughts were coming directly from God himself. Finally, they lowered until they met my own. Raising one hand towards the sky, he said, “Every year that goes by passes faster than the one before it.”

I was in the 9th grade and for the first time in my life, I had learned something at school.

Feeling inspired by this memory and its timing, I thought I’d write a little something about…

My Biggest Lessons of 2022

Quick and easy. Six takeaways from the past 365 days to help you have a better 2023.

Lesson One: Happiness is a Choice, Not a Destination

For most of my life, I stood around waiting for happiness the same way someone would wait for a bus. I had a general idea of when it would show up and I knew what to expect when it did.  

The problem with buses is that they show up on their own terms.

Some days the driver calls out sick. Other days it breaks down. Every few weeks the driver clips a homeless person so he can get an early release and catch the Monday night game.

Our happiness is no different.

Choosing to be happy puts the power back in our hands. That way we aren’t left behind when it calls in sick or takes out some pedestrians. 

Lesson Two: Fat Kid Syndrome

From what I can gather, having a shitty 9 – 5 is not all that different than being a fat kid with inattentive parents.

Fat kids find comfort in UberEATS and late-night snacking. I found mine in a consistent paycheck and the cushy insurance of a 9 – 5.

Although convenient, neither of these things gave me happiness or fulfillment.

For that reason, I decided to put down the fork and exchange the easy money for a life where every day felt like a Saturday. Knowing that, if all else fails, the old 9 – 5 isn’t going anywhere. 

Lesson Three: Size Doesn’t Matter

If you’re anything like me, kick off the year by getting your mind out of the gutter.

After you’re able to settle down, make a mental note to do one of the following tomorrow: Smile at a stranger, remember someone’s name, or grab an extra coffee for a friend.

Little acts like these take so little energy from us and are a guaranteed way to make someone’s day.

Lesson Four: It Always Comes Back

Money, laughs, good will – you name it.

This is one of the most selfish things that I do. Getting a laugh or lending a hand has always left me happier than the person on the receiving end.

Lesson Five: You Get What You Pay For… Usually

I know this guy that used to get off on buying cheap shit (you know who you are).  

Until the stuff that he bought exploded, turned something green, or otherwise defected. 

Whether it’s purchasing a product or paying for a service, I’ve always been happier after spending the extra money. The rush of finding a deal isn’t worth the headaches that go hand-in-hand with cheaping out. 

Lesson Six: Own Your Shit

The money I’ve lost, the stupid shit that I’ve said, and the sheer number of times I’ve fucked up would make most people throw up.

Afraid of looking inadequate, I would do whatever it took to recover my reputation.

Until I realized…

Every time I owned one of these royal fuckups, it would work out better for me in the end.

It would prevent me (or someone else) from making the same mistake. It would become the foundation of a friendship. It would turn into a funny story.

Plus, who gives a shit?

Life has blessed us with hard-earned lessons since the day we were born.

Yet, people go through life making the same mistakes year after year; never learning from past successes or failures.

Avoid ending up in the same spot next year by taking stock of 2022’s lessons and applying them in 2023.

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