Chapter Eleven – A Lesson In Fun

I had spent the last few hours in and out of sleep. The car was small and the two dudes that I was sharing it with were breathing up all the good air.
I needed out.
Garrett, my roommate and business partner, was sleeping with his eyes and his mouth open. It freaked me out. I reasoned that it was as good an excuse as any to wake everyone up and start the hike.
I was brushing my teeth outside the car. It was cold and the mucus from my nose was starting to mix with the foamy toothpaste on my mouth when my other roommate (who sleeps with his eyes and his mouth closed) said it:
“Type Two Fun kinda day, am I right?” with a smile on his face. 

Learning The Hard Way

If he weren’t the only one that knew where we were, I would’ve punched him square in the nose for a comment like that.
My better judgement prevailed, and I kept my fist to myself.
“What kind of person calls this fun,” I thought. “Was he being sarcastic or was it a bad joke?” Either way, he had some questions to answer. I couldn’t be walking around with a crazy person.
“Jerm, what did you mean earlier by ‘Type Two Fun?’”
The look on his face told me that my question was an unexpected one. Like I was supposed to know what he had meant. Like my shirt was inside out or I had stepped in dog shit.
I checked my shirt for tags and looked down at my boots while he continued, “It’s easy Brennen, there are three types of fun. And whatever you’re doing, you’re always experiencing one of the three.”

Type One Fun

The way I see it, Type One Fun is pure fun.
When I think of Type One Fun, the first things that come to mind are eating an ice cream cone and Christmas Morning.
It’s fun while you’re planning it, it’s fun while you’re doing it, and it’s fun to think about after it’s done.   

Type Two Fun

Type Two Fun is my favorite kind of fun.
The best example of Type Two Fun that I can come up with is going to the gym. It’s exciting to plan. It sucks when you get there. And when it’s over, you’re proud of yourself for doing it.
Planning it isn’t fun, planning it is exciting. Doing it isn’t remotely fun. But somehow, it ends up defying all odds and becomes fun when it’s over.  

Type Three Fun

Type Three Fun isn’t fun at all.
A few things that fall into the Type Three category are saying goodbye to a friend or getting Hemorrhoids removed (unless you’re into that).
It’s not fun before, during, or after. Whatever it might be, it just fucking sucks.

Life is best when all three types of fun are in balance

On their own, they each hold no real value.
Too much Type One Fun and life doesn’t quite feel fulfilling. Loads of Type Two Fun can get a little overwhelming. An overdose of Type Three Fun, and we’ll never get out of bed.
But when we find the perfect blend of all three, life is usually at its best.
A healthy dose of Type Three Fun reminds us why we’re alive. We cut our teeth on Type Two Fun to become a better version of ourselves. And Type One Fun ties it all together.

To this day, I thank God for giving me the strength to not break my friends nose

Because he was right.
Whether we realize it. Weather we understand it. Whether we want to believe it.
We’re always having some type of fun.

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