Chapter Twelve – For When Things Get Messy

We’ve all been there.

Something takes a turn for the worst – a job, a girl, a deal – whatever the case, it really fucks things up.

In Brennen speak, shit hits the fan.

And We’re Forced to Change

In my experience, the worst situations have the ability to bring out the best in us. Particularly if we have the courage to fight through them.

We don’t get a job and instead of bitching about it, we get to work – taking courses and jumping on any interview that comes our way.

The girl breaks our heart, and we reinvent ourselves.

A deal goes bad, so we work harder and double down on the cause.

And By the Grace of God, We Figure It Out

That job we didn’t get? Two months go by, and we get offered a position that’s more aligned with our goals and pays us more money.

What was that girl’s name? Because we found a new one and she’s perfect in every way.

The deal that didn’t go through? Who cares, later that year we landed the deal of our life.

When Shit Hits the Fan, It Does So for A Good Reason

Hard times don’t happen by mistake.

Maybe our ass was pointed at the ceiling and not the toilet. Maybe the toilet was clogged. Maybe the person that used the toilet before us pissed all over the seat.

In other words.

We might have hated the job that we didn’t get. The girl that broke our heart could have been a serial killer. That deal that we lost could have sunk our business.

Some people call it fate, other people call it God, most people call it luck. Whatever it is, that something is trying to tell us that we’re more than what we’ve become. That there’s something that we need to do, or not do, before we can get to the next level.

A test to pass, a lesson to learn, or a change to make.

So, Keep Fighting the Good Fight

One of the most valuable lessons that I’ve learned over the past few years is that there are times when things have to go to shit in order for us to find out who we are and what we’re made of.

As long as we’re doing our best and fighting the good fight, everything has a way of working itself out.

Don’t stress it. Stay focused on what’s most important. Do your best. Do what’s right. And most importantly, be thankful for the shit, the fan, and everything in between. Because without it, we’d never become the person that we’re meant to be.

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