Chapter Six – A Recipe For Accomplishing Anything

I learned something really cool the other day…

It’s that, “Most of us don’t know shit.”

Investor, plumber, lawyer, doctor, window washer – we all fall into two camps. Those of us that know nothing and accomplish nothing. And those of us that know nothing and go on to accomplish something extraordinary.

So, what’s the secret to becoming the person that accomplishes their wildest dreams?

The Two Things That Make Us All Different

Imagine being kidnapped and dropped off in the middle of the wilderness with no hope of rescue.

If it were me, I’d revert back to my days watching survival shows as a kid. Like Bear Grylls, I’d rub some mud on my wounds, fill up my canteen with something resembling water, and start taking:


Without wasting any time, my heroes always started by building a shelter. Their first night was hard and they often spent the next day searching for food. After another night in the cold, they would decide to make a fire.

These actions helped them get familiar with the environment and inspired:


Learning how to build a shelter, find food, and make a fire were small victories that kept these guys alive. Above all, these actions gave them confidence.

Armed with this confidence, they would develop a plan for finding their way home. After a few weeks and some fuck ups they would stumble onto a freeway that led to safety. 

Life Is No Different

The process is the same whether we’re finding our way out of the woods, learning how to swim, or trying to become a Hooters Franchisee.

We all start by taking action – building a shelter, walking into the shallow end of the pool, or talking to the franchisee department.

We take more action – finding food and making a fire, swimming in the deep end with floaties on, or speaking with a bank for a loan.

These things give us confidence.

With this confidence, we’re able to take bold action – walk out of the woods to safety, jump into the deep end, or pull the trigger on our first Hooters location.

No One Ever Did Anything Important From Their Racecar Bed

Whatever your dream may be, the most important step that you can take towards achieving it is to start.

The way I see it, we all have a choice: Start today, or start never.

It’ll be the first in a series of events that lead us to taking on our wildest dreams!

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